Thanks a lot, man. ;) You're clearly a very humble and reasonable person, which is awesome. Wish I had time to respond to all of your philosophical insights...maybe over holiday vacation next week. XD ...also, don't be so pessimistic about your future tracks. If your music inspires at least one person, it should be worth it to keep producing, right? And I happen to know that it's inspired at least 157. ;D
That's really deep, man. For me, music is the universal language that keeps me connected to the world. Speaking of music, may I ask why you removed "Discovery" from the site? It's a great track that I found recently through Xmillsa, but I can't download it anywhere anymore. I am willing to pay you money for it if you put it up on iTunes/Bandcamp. ;)
Music is a preference as much as anything else. There are people that do not like any music. It's not universal .-. it's reflective in a linear way that ables itself to touch many people in the same way for different reasons. This is because music has to do with sounds .-. sounds are vibrations, such as a spider's web .-. these vibrations only have so many branches to follow when they meet us, and so there are only so many emotions we can touch when listening to sounds, while the complexing areas are found only in our personal experiences.
I am the most inconsistent musician out there. I will reupload the song free of charge. There's no sense in making people pay for a song that was already up at one time, and probably will only be the only song that I've made worth buying.