Does that entail that this world is naturally duplicitous? "Duplicity" is a man-made construct, however being stranded in the middle of a desert helps demonstrate how we do not survive only by what is tangible and physical, but also by what is intangible and metaphysical (duplicitous, by nature). That alone determines we are both physical and metaphysical, much like the world, itself. What is strange, though, is that the universe started metaphysical and then slowly turned physical; we, on the other hand, started physical, and then slowly turned metaphysical. What's more interesting, is that people have a choice to turn metaphysical, or remain physical. Like us being physical, and our reflection in the mirror being metaphysical; it appears that we come from the opposite side of the spectrum. Why is this? Unless... there is truth to which the entire universe is perpetually reincarnating not through life/death, but through physical/metaphysical form. If this can be axiomatically demonstrated, it could then prove that life is naturally duplicitous. It's all based on make-believe and acting, in life, no? It's all based on metaphors and reactions, in sub-life, yes?