Astaindie Underpanticas! *poof* A correlation has appeared before us! What mystery ought to surface this time around, you ask? It's the mystery of the human eye, the human genitalia, the human heart, the human life and the forces of nature! As experiential creatures, we not only experience the forces of natural creation, but also the forces of natural disaster. See that volcano over there? That's what makes our climactic genitals so climactic! Observe the bellowing power of nature's snout, like the nose of an ox, spewing out such magnificent energy! Observe how the loins rock and quake as they increase in tension, like the shifting tectonic plates found below earth's crust! The human body is creating life out of the dangerous forces of nature, explaining why sex always becomes rougher near the peak of the climax.
The human genitalia has a secret power -- it can take the form of a starfish (the ass), the heart (behind the tip of the penis), the brain (the scrotum) and the brain's stem (the penis). Our genitalia are symbolic masses of flesh and appearance which represent the basics of life. Wait, there's more! Observe my avatar to the left; the one with the naked man. You have to look at the man's ass and the back of the man's shoulders to make out a "torso", that "torso" that you see is really the making of a turtle's body! Wait, there's more! If you understand the dualistic nature of reality, you'll also have the ability to make out the dualistic formation between the genitalia and the human head (the penis/scrotum; the brain/stem)! Be amazed! The human body has more than one dimension, depending on how you look at it. The human head is the "penis" of the "torso" I mentioned, while the human penis is the "head" of the actual "torso" that we all generally see already. This dualistic feature is much like how an animal has genitalia and a tail.
The human eye secretes liquid upon tension and release, just like the human genitalia. The human pupil does not have a slit, while the opening of the eye does have a slit, which controls tears. Cats and snakes have slits in their eyes to control the light that is drawn in, due to sensitivity to light. Our genitalia have slits to control our urine, waste or semen. The human language is based on the Universe, which is where all of our "experiences", "ideas" and "functionalities" come from. This means that while naming things we observe, we're "inspired" by the "like"ness of that object compared to another object, i.e a sunflower looks like the sun -- this allows us to subconsciously make more sense out of the world then we consciously are aware of. We call the penis the snake, while the slit is found in the snake eye; we call the pussy a pussy (cat), while the slit is found in the cat eye! There is a relationship found in the snake, cat, eye, slit and genitalia via function.
The human heart has 4 stages in chamber developement: fish > frog > turtle > human. The human body consists of a turtle's body in metaphoric form!
Thus we can conclude there is a bigger picture to even our genitalia, and that all life originated from the ocean. This will be for Day 2, however. For now, this will be left to ponder.
The fuck did I just read? o.O