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    91 Audio Reviews

    67 w/ Responses


    It's sad that you are so ignorant..

    I'm crying. My sea cannot reach you.

    It's sad you cannot see through the blinds.

    Of the mind. Through endless time.

    Walking endless(ly) to defeat a kind.

    Our logic crawls..

    That cannot stand. That is forced to reprimand..

    The unseen[able]. The unfathomable..

    The shadow is mocked for what it is.. for what it is not..

    That is not a question. That is an answer. THAT.. is a question..

    A question of all.. A question seeked by none.



    To understand, is to see without seeing the haven..

    That lies beneath; beneath a floor; a floor that flutters lies..

    Lies that stand..

    A shadow that lies..

    A man who crawls..

    A truth that is buried..

    A man that seeks..

    A man that cries..

    An ocean so deep, a fire that never dies..

    The [escape]goat is alive..

    The shadow is dead..

    Lying beneath the lies..

    Truth is left descried..

    So different.. So much the same..

    Lies. Truth. Shadows. [Escape] goats.

    Playing hide N' seek with life.. and.. it's shadows..

    P.S Spam at 0:20 seconds in. It could be made into a remix.

    Good job, my ignorant friend who is ignorant of their own ignorance.

    All ignorance is.. is a position that cannot stand truly.. for doubt is a void that devours those who are a stranger to their own reason..

    AKACCMIOF responds:

    Man can take satire :)


    How can I philosophise to this? Lol.

    It was amusingly interesting. I like the comment below me. He knows whats up.

    5/5 10/10

    ChronoNomad responds:

    Not a whole lot of philosophy to be had with something like this, methinks. It's just a fun loop that would go well with undercover covert ops of a sneak-thief variety. I had it on repeat the day I stole the Hope Diamond from the Louvre, and it totally kept my head in the game. It was like having my own theme music!

    Thanks for the review and such an awesome score! I'm glad that you could find the music so amusing and interesting. :)

    I do miss ol' Dendrago, the fellow who left the previous review. He listened to most of my music, leaving frequent reviews and votes, and was an exceptional fan. Sadly, I haven't heard anything from him since sometime around midsummer. Hopefully all is well and he's just taking a hiatus from all the Newgrounds action for a time.

    Do du doo dew du duu du dew/dew dew doo dew due..

    I thought it was rather pleasant. It's simple. Simple melody. Simple atmosphere. Simple bass. Simple secondary melody. It's very relaxing. Then the castle like music comes in, and it reminds me of looking at the night's stars from ontop of a castle; talking to the king about how we are going to save the world.. and he says: ''U mad bro?''. Lol! XD It's really nice though. 5/5 10/10. I will give your other songs a chance to appease my interest, don't worry. They may be subpar compared to your Number 1 song, but they each tell a story regardless. ^-^

    Philosophy # 19394

    When you stare out at night, gazing at the stars, you come to realise that they still shine through a million/billion miles of darkness. And, even then.. Just like the king of that very castle, they are a mere few inches away and they only are a hollow shadow who never cared about anyone, or this world, only themselves..

    ChronoNomad responds:

    The King has fallen prey to the world of memes! I'm glad that you pointed out the simplicity of this piece because I actually find that to be one of its finest attributes. The stars in the cosmos make for nice imagery, dotting the black velvet sky with pinpricks of light here and there. Some of those very stars have burned out and died hundreds, even thousands of years ago, and yet their light still shines for us to see within the canopy of the night sky so very many light years away from their point of origin. It's like they leave their legacy behind even after they cease to exist, and that's a beautiful thing.


    When my ears take in every note, may they be nearly perfected mind you, I see what appears to be opened skies full of hopes and dreams where one is to glide through and reach for within their strongest points in life. Not only is this the cortex of said context, but this song represents the very origin that leads up to this moment.. Perhaps, say they are about to begin their journey; saying their 'farewell until then's' to all of their loved ones.. They take flight on what appears to be a dragonfly.. Mhmm, your song twists reality into a mystical place where logic seizes to exist-- I like that.

    My completely fair 5/5 10/10. One of your best, if not the best. I listened to the whole thing til I reviewed. It was worth every millisecond. Well done, my friend. Now, I shalt share some more of my philosophy. ^-^

    - Philosophy #54192 -

    Essentially, the dawn of man is carried by his shadow; as the light seizes to exist, but man will soon turn against their shadow to cast it into a realm of shadows, but was this shadow really a shadow, or were /we/ the shadow?

    In time, as I've long lived in this corrupted world.. No matter how lost I've come to be; no matter how much people tried to deceive me, to use me, for their own purposeless agendas that granted nothing but emptyness. A candle beneath my conscious realm remained lit.. No amount of darkness would blow the candle light out. I continued to glide through life, through it's perilous darkness, making mistakes, not knowing where to go.. but inside something kept guding me to the right direction. I might've not seen what was before me, but I knew that I had no need to indulge in my selfish hunger. I wanted more.. I was wanted to know why I couldn't see what reality blinded me from seeing; questioning everyone and everything, for how strange this world was to me.. How lies became the truth, and when anyone tries to speak the truth.. they say it's a lie.. How we couldn't speak up for ourselves.. how people were right when they never gave you a chance to defend against their claims.. It was living through this moment of time that helped me realise what life is about. What the shadow really was, and why I am able to see things in people while they continue to see rejected aspects of themselves through me.

    I am never going to forget what the voice inside my head once told me: ''It is the hollow points of life that makes this world whole''. Meaning, that everything, significant and insignificant come together as one.. There is a bridge to everything.. It there is no light.. We wouldn't know how to approach darkness. If there was no hatred, how would we appreciate peacefulness? If there was no shadow.. Where would balance be? If we were only one thing? A life that is built aorund opposites and differences is what makes this world so whole.. Without opposing elements, there would be no such thing as an element if there weren't more than one element.. What matters is how we become aware of all of life's elements; how to manifest them. Dark, light. Happiness, sadness. Good, bad.

    To live through heaven. To live through hell. To live through ourselves. To live in this world. To live in different mind; to stand in the same world. That is life.. To not fret for what we want, to live to be. The man I stand for, infront of of 100's, or 1000's of human beings one day.. Will be the man I will die as. Man may have more than one face, but that doesn't mean these faces are not a part of this man.. I understand the answer to life now, and hopefully.. One day.. others will understand as well.

    It's really too easy to pretend to be a somebody. Then to live the person you ought to be. It's too easy to play god that only controls things through your weakness. Try controlling this world through your strengths and your weaknesses. A man with a family, with a perfect life would not save a life like a man with nothing going for him would.

    I dare somebody to save this world when they have everything they always wanted. This is what life is about..

    To become the best of what we are to be.

    ChronoNomad responds:

    TLDR! Just kidding. I simply don't even know where to begin with so much philosophical waxing. Much depth, indeed. For my part I will be more brief and simply thank you from the bottom of my heart for such an in-depth and honest review. The time and effort you have put into it are commendable, and my hope is that - after listening to what may be my magnum opus - you will not think less of my remaining repertoire.

    Perhaps I am saving this world one song at a time...? Perhaps not, but a man may dream, and dreams sought after with enough tenacity can one day become reality.

    Reminiscent of Dire Docks from Super Mario 64.

    To be frank, you should've kept the ambience in the beginning. The trance/dance concept you went for really ruined the blissful introduction. The percussion wasn't all that showy, and prominent either. Sounded very muffled, and lacking distinguishment for my ears to indulge in. It was all plain, and flat. The introduction -- you should expand on that and turn it into a whole new song. Completely cut off that completely cacophonous transition. My honest words, and humble opinion.

    Philosophy: Emotions are a pool of variables that all coincide; contradict; through balance. Every emotion is a language unto itself, to support our disposition towards a thing of itself. We like to refer to them by their labels we've given them.. but as much as you try to define them.. It's always a positive and negative attraction that come to and fro in a perpetual state of mind in the end. It's simple a positive and negative chemistry. We only labelled them for how humans chose to use the two opposing; coinciding energies. Humans are able to fake emotions, aswell. Humans are able to play reality, and turn it into their own fake, and illusionary world of bias logic, and misconceptive measures.. We are all mad scientists in a sense.. Sometimes I question if our emotions are even real.. or it's actually outlets we have that make us express our positive and negative energy towards this world, and it's inhabitants.

    ChronoNomad responds:

    Thanks for the honest review. I've never actually made that particular distinction before, but it is an interesting thought. Now I have the Dire Docks theme running through my head. Right about now you should probably check out my #1 song: Forever Fantasy. That will probably deliver just what you felt was lacking here. Of course that's entirely up to you, and I'm sure you'll get there eventually either way.

    Anyone can fake an emotional response, but doing so for personal gain is an abhorrent practice. Real emotion is powerful and visceral, and failing to validate it can be foolish or even dangerous. Emotions such as anger are normal and natural, but the most important part is how that anger manifests itself. Shoving negative emotions down deep and pretending they don't exist is like filling up a powder keg, and sooner or later someone or something will cause the fuse to be lit.

    Loving this. Feels like a mix between wind & ice.

    Philosophy: Attractions crystalise; turning obfuscated by the cold emotions of it's advocate. Slowly they enclose themselves in this cold world.. Where blizzards roar like ice dragons; unable to breathe fire; to become a statue of dishonorable measures, sleeping by the frozen lakes, staring at the frosted sky..Never to melt, never to feel warmth.. Til they become as cold as their own future dead carcass..

    Song: I actually really enjoyed this one. It was subtly soft, eloquent.. The bells are gentle, the conga drums know how to give it that elemental feeling. Everything is great, indeed. 5/5 10/10

    P.S [Have fun interpreting my philosophy. I warn you, it's deeper than the words make it appear to be. I thought you would like a rather cryptic philosophical input rather than my personal ones.]

    ChronoNomad responds:

    Icy fingers envelop frozen hearts. Time, encased within a shadow of paradox given form, refusing to move forward or back. Utterly silent; utterly still, but for the sound of the Black Wind howling in the distance. Memories echoing across the void. The void stares back, unflinchingly. Always and never.


    I can indeed feel a sense of anticipation while listening to this. Like you are living the moment, that you await, inside your mind. The more you think about it.. The more intense it gets [sometimes it's amusing feeling all that energy go *poof* when whatever you were anticipating on wasn't all of what you thought it would be].

    Anticipation is the bane of time. Time slows down if you continue to stretch out the inevitable sequence of life. It's best to be patient, then keep dwelling on something in the future. The time will surely come, and if you continue to circle around that idea.. you forget about your present. Like staring at the clock during school hours; you come to the realisation that it's simply a state of inertia.

    People always anticipate and stretch time in their mind, rather than focus on other things that diminishes the illusionary phase of time that anticipation gives off.

    Interesting. 5/5 10/10. The song gives off a feeling of pursuit. A longing for something ahead of you.

    ChronoNomad responds:

    I anticipated your review (pun intended), but that does not mean that I am any less appreciative of it. Once we achieve that which we were anticipating, we move on to the next thing, and the next, and so on ad infinitum.

    An interesting skew on this is waiting for the next big thing, whatever that may be for any given individual. At some point you either choose to give in and accept what exists now, or you go on waiting and waiting indefinitely, never making a move; stagnating in place with nothing to show for it. For instance, let's consider computers. We all have one, so we pretty much know the score. They are quite simply obsolete before you even remove them from the box they come in. Nevertheless, if you hadn't decided to actually purchase one at some point you would not even be here now.

    Thanks again for the excellent vote and review! I'm glad that you enjoy the music, and the small things make all the difference.


    I don't think we would be hearing happy music if sorrow seizes . It would be a very powerful, deep and massive melody that represents limitless strength and endless determination, IMO.

    Happiness does not defeat sorrow in my eyes. Will does. Essentially will is more powerful than happiness and sorrow combined.

    I like it though, regardless. The piano is delicate. It has an airy, town atmosphere. 5/5 10/10

    ChronoNomad responds:

    Thanks for leaving another great review! Happiness is an all to fleeting emotion, and the sorrow yet remains each time the good feelings wear off. Hope allows us to move forward even in the midst of strife.

    Overall, this piece was meant to be both mournful and triumphant in order demonstrate the ability to overcome emotional trauma through strength of will. Whether the message translates well to others or merely makes sense to me is relatively inconsequential, but I shall count it successful as long as others are able to enjoy the music on some level.

    To be frank.

    I've never believed in courage. If we weren't weak to begin with, courage would'nt have ever existed. Yet, weakness is present in our lives, and our fear creates dead-ends that aren't exactly there. We just have to keep running head strong within our darkness, and never let anything stand in our way.

    Only /you/ can defeat yourself.

    Interesting.. 5/5 10/10 [I liked it, I just wish it was so much more suspenseful.. Like a background violin, with wind.. and a less flat feeling to it. You surely understand what I mean, I'm sure. I just believe that courage would've been an /explosive/ energy to combat against what opposes us. This works through expression, of course. I just fullheartedly believe you could've done so much with this one. ^^]

    ChronoNomad responds:

    Thanks for leaving another interesting review, Insanctuary! Your initial sentences seem to be rather cyclical in nature, however. The existence of someone or something does not hinge upon whether anyone actually believes in it or not. It simply is. An individual who has been blind since birth may cling to the belief that there are no such things as light and color, and darkness alone pervades their wholly sightless world, yet they do indeed exist regardless.

    I personally do believe in traits such as courage and perseverance since they are the antithesis of human weakness. Standing up for what one believes in, for instance. Protecting someone you care about at risk to your own life. Sometimes just living a day-to-day life that feels all but devoid of hope can take courage, whereas taking the "easy way out" and ending it all is the epitome of cowardice.

    If you're speaking figuratively about a psychological state of being, I would have to agree when you say "Only /you/ can defeat yourself." We tend to become our own worst enemies, and more's the pity. However, the waking world is made up of more than mind and memory, and therefore defeat can come from outside influences. Personally, I believe that someone who doesn't give up can never truly fail, but that doesn't rule out death, which ends all human struggle for good or ill.


    I love it when people mix beauty with chaos. This is why I come to Dubstep. Yes, it's awfully a strange reason, but I assure you.. I think it's brilliant to not only have instruments, synths having a voice but the percussion aswell.. I love how the drums come alive along with the melodies. It's exciting, and it's like the entire song is a blast of energy and passion. Well done, mate.

    I'm a philosopher who listens to dubstep. It's quite the medium to see both sides of this world [dark and light with that sense of balance]. 5/5 10/10


    Joined on 12/18/10

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